3 Awesome YouTube Ab Workouts

It's no secret that I am completely obsessed with Inferno Hot Pilates.Having not given much regard to my core in oh, I don't know, more than a decade, working out those muscles now after having had three big babies actually feels really good.And by good I mean totally challenging and downright brutal in the moment!But it's all for the results and the benefits, right?!Now, sometimes the day can just get so busy that I don't have time to take a full class, but that doesn't mean a workout can't be done!No, in fact, it's those times that we need to make small investments over and over again. When we do, our efforts will add up to big gains.In the case of our health, this means that even if you can put in ten minutes here and ten minutes there, you will get stronger and you absolutely will improve your health.If you're looking for a little inspiration in the ab department and don't know quite where to start, here are three of my favorite ab workouts on Youtube right now! 

1. Intense Ab Workout Routine

I love that this workout is only ten minutes, and the use of myriad crunches as well as plank variations will help you build awesome core strength.WATCH AND WORKOUT HERE

2. At Home Core Workout

The 20 seconds to do all that you can (with proper form of course!) is a winner in my book. I love not having to count reps but rather working against the clock. Plus, you basically have a trainer in this video telling you what to do!WATCH AND WORKOUT HERE

3. Abs & Obliques

What's great about this video is there is audio directions for cues and technique. It's not super motivational or ra-ra, but you'll get cues for the correct form. Plus, once you've gone through a few different times, you can always blast your own music and just keep up with the video for timing purposes.While nothing compares to the group energy you feel and the personal instruction you receive by taking a class at an actual studio, Youtube has highly effective videos to help us stay in shape, even on the days where we can't make it out of the house!There's never been a better time to get in shape, stay in shape, and keep sweating!

Sweating, Weight Loss, Workouts