Frequently Asked Questions

Last updated december 2024

*+ * What is the class capacity?

We have between 35 - 48 spots in each class.

*+ * When does the studio open?

15 minutes before and after each class.

*+ * Do you rent mats?

We do NOT rent mats. Please make sure to bring your own or purchase one at the studio. If you forget your mat and do not want to buy one, we totally get it. We will rent you two towels to use instead. This is a solution for a once in a while situation, and for the majority of the classes you take, please plan to practice on a mat with a towel.

*+ * Do you have showers?

We do! Please consider your shower a “quick rinse” and remember that we close 15 minutes after the class has ended.

*+ * Are classes first come, first-served?

YES! If you see that a class has a waitlist and you still want to take that class, please add yourself to the waitlist. If someone cancels their spot, waitlisted folks will be added to class in the order they signed up.

*+ * How do I find out if I've gotten into class from a waitlist?

Once added to the class from the waitlist, you’ll receive an email and text notification. If you can in fact attend the class, please respond to the text with a “Y” so confirm your reservation.

*+ * What is the no show and late cancel policy?

Our late cancel window is two hours, meaning that if you want to cancel a spot that you have reserved in a class, you must do so more than two hours before the scheduled class time.

For example, if the class starts at 4:30pm and you cancel your reservation at 2:30pm or later, that will be considered a "late cancel." All late cancels will be automatically charged $15. This charge occurs 24 hours after the class that was late cancelled. The charge happens automatically by our software system and cannot be reversed.

If you do not show up for a class that you have booked and you do not early or late cancel your spot, the missed class is considered a "no show." All "no shows" will be automatically charged $20. This charge occurs 24 hours after the class that was missed. The charge happens automatically by our software system and cannot be reversed.

Please note that we lock the door at the start of class. Even if you arrive one minute late and the door is locked, it is considered as a no show. We do this out of respect for the teachers and other students. We also have to have a hard line where we lock the door and that is at the start of the class. Thank you for your understanding, and this is the industry standard.

If you are on a waitlist for a class, the latest you will be added to the class is 2 hours before the scheduled class time. If you are added to a class from the waitlist and then late cancel 2 hours or less before the scheduled class time, that will be considered a "late cancel" and you will be charged per our late cancel policy.

Please be extra aware of this for early morning classes. For example, if you're on the waitlist for a 6am class, the latest you will be added to the class is 4am. So if you go to bed still on the waitlist and you do not want to get up and check to see if you made it into class, take yourself off the waitlist.

The above policy applies to everyone regardless of membership. If you are on a limited class pack or a drop in and you late cancel or no show, you will be charged per the policy above; however, you will not lose your class.

*+ * What should I bring to the studio for class?

Please bring a yoga mat, a large towel to cover your yoga mat, and a bottle of water. If you prefer to rent towels, we have them here for rent. Important: we do NOT rent yoga mats. We do, however, sell them if you’d like to purchase one here. You must have a mat for class.

*+ * Are there any special perks for certain memberships?

You bet there are! If you’re on an Annual Membership, Fkex, or Commit, you have access to all of our pre-recorded classes on demand. You also get 10% off select retail items and 1 Guest Pass per month. Annual and Commit memberships also have a 10 day booking window.

*+ * Do you have a lost & found?

You betcha! If you’ve left something behind, please come claim it ASAP. Lost & Found is donated EVERY FRIDAY AFTERNOON. You do not need to phone nor email us about items left behind, just come claim them. The lost and found bin is located OUTSIDE out studio door.

*+ * How do I cancel a class reservation?

Click the cancellation link at the bottom of our website.

*+ * What should I do if I need to cancel my membership?

Our Flex and Maintenance memberships need 5 days notice to cancel. Please follow these steps to cancel your membership. There is no early cancellation for Commit and Annual Memberships.