How to Grow Your Yoga Business with one Smart Move

I've been wanting to write a post like this for a while. After all, I opened up my own yoga studio back in 2010, so you'd think I'd have dozens, even hundreds of ideas just bursting out of my brain and onto the screen.Well.... not exactly.Ideas come to me, I think them through, but then I realize I'm just trying to figure it out as I go!So why this post now?What have I got to say now that may be of some value to another yoga business owner, trying to get all his or her ducks in a row, make a good living, pursue their passion, and have a life?You guys. I feel like I have the secret weapon:The Yogapreneur Collective.This group is an insane resource of some of the most successful studio owners in the world. It's a coaching group run by a former yoga studio owner named Josh who sold his studio and now helps other owners grow their yoga businesses.This coaching group helps yoga studio owners who were just getting by, barely able to survive, implement systems and strategies that create such abundant compensation and change the lives of more yoga student than they ever thought possible.I used to think hiring a business coach was caving.Or cheating.Or weak.But my gosh was I wrong.Hiring a business coach -- who knows what he's doing (that's the key) -- is hands down the smartest thing I've ever done.So if a picture's worth a thousand words, a video's gotta be worth a million.I put together this video explaining everything about my business coach, Josh Biro from Nomad Business Coaching, and how much he's helped me.Yeah I've been at this whole studio ownership gig for since 2010, but I got into this business because I love teaching yoga, and I wanted to offer yoga to my hometown community.So if you find yourself struggling to figure out your yoga business and you need some help, call Josh. He offers a free phone consultation to start you off which isn't fluff by the way, it's crazy helpful. He'll listen to the vision you have for your studio, and what's more, he'll hear the vision you have for your life.Together, you'll make those visions - both professional and personal - become reality.Click here to check out my video, and be sure to book your free call with Josh right here.Growing your yoga business isn't something you can afford not to do. The more you grow, the more people you'll help, the more lives you'll change.And you, as an unstoppable yogapreneur force, will help change the world for the better.Happy sweating!