How To Stay Consistent with Your Exercise Routine And Achieve Your Fitness Goals

Have you wanted to get into an exercise routine but can't seem to make something stick?Do you work out like crazy for a month and then go three months without so much as a stroll around the block?Do you exercise, but not really feel any different?If you answered 'yes' to any of these questions, I can completely relate.After high school ended and I wasn't playing an organized sport, I was lost when it came to a consistent workout routine. I liked to be active, I knew my health depended on it, but I struggled to find my exercise groove. And if I did stay consistent with something physically, it felt like a chore (hello cardio on the elliptical).This all changed when I started practicing Bikram Yoga in 2006. It was then that I found my exercise calling, so to speak!I began rearranging my entire day just to get to the studio.I picked up extra waitressing shifts to pay for the membership.And my idea of a great Friday night? Arriving to the studio in time to take the 5pm class!The point is, once I found that particular form of sweating I was hooked, and I haven't looked back since.You have a busy life and lots of responsibilities. People depend on you, and lots of free time doesn't really exist. Because of that, there are four 'MUSTS' when it comes to staying consistent with exercise routine. And if the following four points fit, then you're sure to achieve all of your fitness goals!


Look at your day-to-day routine, how much free time you have, and when you have that free time. Maybe the when is negotiable.Could you exercise in the mornings or evenings?Is your routine set in stone and unable to change?Recognizing not only how much time you have to give to exercise but also when that time occurs helps narrow down what sort of exercise commitment you can make. More on that here!


Similarly to the schedule piece, look at your budget to determine how much money you can spend on exercise.Is a gym membership or class based fitness studio a must?If you can't afford what you know is the best option for you, are you able to move some money around to make it happen?Maybe shop the supermarket deals a bit more frequently.Try cutting back on eating out.You can even talk to the owner of the facility you want to attend. Lots of small businesses offer some sort of work/trade program. Do you have a skill set you could offer in exchange for a discounted or free membership?Stick to something that you can afford because you certainly don't want to have to stop exercising because of money.


Depending on your goals for wanting to exercise regularly, check in with yourself to see if your current routine is meeting those goals. Personally, I could spend a year on an elliptical machine (I think I did for my entire sophomore year of college!) and I wouldn't look or feel any different. But when I started Bikram Yoga, my body changed within a few weeks.Whatever form of exercise you're doing should produce positive results for you in the areas that you want to see them. If it's not, time to switch it up.


Ok, maybe not in the exact moment of sweating your butt off, but you've gotta love something about the form of exercise you're doing. Maybe it's the results or the feeling or the community. If you don't, it'll probably be hard to stick with.For example, I exercised on the elliptical a lot when I had my stress fracture, and I hated it. It bored me to tears. My body didn't change and I never found myself craving that workout.I like to think that if something is working then it's right. If it's not working, it's probably not right.When you find that exercise that makes your body and your mind feel strong, empowered, thankful, and energized, you will keep going back for more and more and more without ever having to talk yourself into it.Life is too short to exercise in ways that we don't love!As we grow and change and mature, and as our needs and routines shift, our exercise preferences might transition as well.Wherever you're at in your sweating journey, try to have your exercise meet the above criteria.Your physical and mental self will thank you!