An Easy Way To Commit To Your Workout

Do you ever feel that what you want to do gets pushed aside for things that you need to do?Kids, work, chores, relationships, errands, bills (not to mention taking time to eat and sleep) devour time. Little time, let alone energy, is leftover for, say, a workout class a few nights a week.You know what you want to do but making that want into a reality, well, that's easier said than done.I get it ... totally. Especially in a busy household where we meet the kids' needs often before our own. All too easily, that three time a week workout drops to two, then dwindles to one, and often falls off the map all together.But it doesn't have to be that way ... really!One of my favorite ways to proactively avoid having a week of only "needs" and making sure I commit to my "wants" is this:

Schedule it in.

That's right, I'll actually add, for example, YOGA at 7PM, into my Google Calendar that I share with my husband.Sounds simple, right?It is, but simple doesn't necessarily mean easy.In the process of this scheduling, I'll undoubtedly need to check in with my husband to make sure my plans work for our household. We may need to shift some kid-coverage around depending on how the week unfolds, but this way we start the week on the same page.I've also found that being clear with my ambitions no matter how big or small draws support from those around me. So when I make it known that I have very specific exercise goals, you'd better believe that the other people in my life are helping me make them happen. Lots of times, that helps comes in the form of coming home in time to take over with kid-duty ☺When I look at my calendar and see the time blocked out for ME, I'm motivated to keep those commitments.After all, I took time on Sunday night to creatively schedule ways to recharge. And I don't want to stand myself up!