8 Insanely Effective Workouts At Burning Calories and Getting in Shape FAST

Do you ever feel like you have the best laid plans for sticking to your workout, only to have them derailed at the last second?Maybe the baby wakes up earlier than you planned or your husband has jury duty that he forgot to mention. Your toddler might be home from pre-school with a low-grade fever or the internet guy is scheduled to arrive between 9am and 3pm to fix your wireless (insert eye roll here).Whatever the reason, your yoga class or kickboxing workout or long run just isn't going to happen.Ugh!If you've browsed around this website at all, you'll gather that I'm pretty passionate about the 90-minute Bikram Yoga class.It fills my tank in every way - mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and getting time for myself.But with 3 young kids at home, getting out of the house to exercise - let alone for a 90 minute class - doesn't always happen.Even though finding time to workout seems nearly impossible these days, exercise is vitally important for us moms. It provides such an endorphin high, which is essential as other postpartum hormones are settling down.Plus, sweating gives us the opportunity to take care of ourselves so we can have the energy to take care of those around us.If you're crunched for time and need some fast and effective workout ideas, check out the 8 workouts here.Happy sweating! 😅

Jump Squats

From Pop Sugar FitnessThe great thing about this exercise is not only that it is super quick and effective, but also the baby will probably get a huge kick out of watching me do it!

Jump Rope Workout

From Pop Sugar FitnessI love that the only piece of equipment you need for this insanely effective workout is a jump rope. Talk about low maintenance!

Wake Up & Workout

From Through The BurnI love how simple and straightforward this workout is - and of course how fast and effective it is as well.

Exercise Through The Alphabet

From WomanistaThis one totally resonated with me as I am in the trenches of motherhood. If you're going to be singing the ABC's, you may as well be sweating to them as well!


From Beauty BitesWhat would a workout blog post be without a mention of planks? This particular one from Beauty Bites covers all of your plank bases, leaving you with awesome abs and obliques!

Treadmill Workout

From SelfIf running is your thing, I love these ideas for treadmill workouts. Simply setting and forgetting the speed and incline can get quite boring, but switch things up and your treadmill workout will be over before you know it!

Morning Yoga

From Eating Bird FoodI would be remiss if I did not include some at-home yoga routines, given how important I find yoga to be! I love this morning yoga routine from the website Eating Bird Food - it's accessible to beginner and advanced yogis alike!

Everyday Yoga

From Get Healthy UThe great things about these yoga poses is that they are beginner-friendly, therapeutic, and rejuvenating. In other words, I love modalities of sweating (like yoga) that help and improve other modalities of sweating (like running, burpees, jump-roping, etc.) Not only with yoga poses like these help you feel great in your other workouts, but they'll help you feel your best all day long!