Sweating For A Cause

Yesterday my studio hosted a fundraising class for one of our students who is running the Boston Marathon this year in support of the charity, Dream Big! I didn't really think too much of it when she asked if we could host the class - sure, I thought, why not?! It's a great cause, she's a great student, and the Boston Marathon is such an historic piece of our culture here in New England.Have you ever heard of Dream Big?I hadn't.You see, I grew up never wondering if I would have access to the things Dream Big works to support. I mean, for real. When I decided I wanted to play softball in the third grade, all I needed to do was ask my dad to sign me up at the local Rec Center. Oh yeah, and then buy me a new glove without a second thought.For myself and so many women I grew up with, sports were just a way of life. We played a different sport each season, went to sports camps, had all the necessary sports equipment (soccer cleats for soccer, running sneakers for track, spikes for indoor track, softball cleats for softball, gloves, bats, sticks, skates, and balls),  and we often even had the privilege of participating in something that wasn't offered through school.Sports, more than anything else, were the extracurricular activity that shaped who I am as a person today. I know deep in my soul that the reason I am teaching and practicing yoga is because I was introduced to physical exercise and sports at a young age. Heck, sports, yoga, and being active inspired this blog!

So here's the deal with Dream Big: The Boston-based non-profit organization works to help low-income and homeless girls have access to the equipment and fees necessary to participate in youth sports.

When I was practicing yoga during the donation class, I couldn't stop thinking about how so many girls don't have the access, the money, and the opportunities to these formative activities. The activities that can help keep girls in school, that teach teamwork and grit, and that serve as a platform to gain confidence and a positive mental outlook. When my team won a big game, I felt unstoppable. When my team lost in heart-breaking defeat, I learned from where we fell short.Win or lose, sports were a positive force in my life, and they should be available to anyone who wants to play them.Of course, we know, they're not.Which is where Dream Big comes into play. The money that my yoga student is raising will help improve gymnasiums, buy new cleats, uniforms, and equipment, pay for registration fees associated with joining sports teams, pilot new athletic programs in Boston, and so much more. All in an effort to support girls who otherwise may not have the access, funds, or opportunities to participate.If you loved the sports you played when you were a kid, and especially if you didn't have to worry about whether or not you'd be able to afford the fees or buy the uniforms, consider donating to Dream Big. Help give more girls those opportunities.Every yoga class is powerful in its own way. The group energy, the instruction, the breakthroughs, and the challenges are unique each and every time. But yesterday - yesterday's class was something extra special. We were sweating for a cause greater that ourselves.