Rather Be Sweating

A few years ago, I was taking my dog Dasher for a run in the woods. I had dropped off my car earlier that day for a few repairs and a new inspection sticker, and I was passing the time as I waited for the call that my car was ready to be picked up.After a couple miles into my run, the call came, but the news wasn't as simple as I had expected.The mechanic told me that unfortunately my car did not pass the inspection, and that the amount of work needed in order to pass would be more expensive than the car was worth!Gulp.He then went on to tell me that it looked like I had missed a few service appointments over the past year.Another gulp.What the heck had I been doing?Well, sweating. Every chance I got!I had been doing so much yoga and playing golf with my husband Ben and running with my dog that I let some other things slide. Some important, adult, responsible things.Basically, I had been too busy playing, and I hadn't been paying attention to the boring responsible parts of being an adult.

At that moment, the phrase "Rather Be Sweating" popped into my head and has been there ever since.

Now, I did not become some miraculously responsible human being overnight. I'm still working on organization and prioritizing important (albeit sometimes boring) things.And I'm certainly paying more attention to things like my car's service appointments, that's for sure!I realized though, that when I am more organized, I actually end up with more time to do what I want.This blog is a place for me to share with you information about Bikram Yoga and exercise in general.It's a platform for me to highlight ways I'm working on improving my life so I have more time and energy to focus on the things that are important (my family, my physical health, my mental well-being).I figure we're put on this earth for a blip of time in the grand scheme of things.Life is far too short to be doing anything other than what we're totally and completely passionate about.Here's to focusing on what's important, and ways we can prioritize doing those things we'd rather be doing!