How Often Should You Practice Bikram Yoga, Anyway?!

I remember just barely surviving my first Bikram Yoga class and thinking, I am NEVER doing that again. As I sat on the bench in the lobby of the studio, my surroundings whizzed by - a fast-motion blur - while I melted into a hot yoga puddle in the center of it all.The other yogis grabbed coconut waters from the cooler, chatted with yoga buddies coming in for the next class, and asked the teachers posture questions, so eager to get the answers to help their own practices.I, on the other hand, could barely remember my own name! (The technical term for my post-yoga haze is "yoga brain").Can you relate?Do you ever wonder how on earth you will have the energy to come back and do it all again?Do you think, yeah right, when the teacher says, "see you tomorrow!" on your way out of the studio?I get it. I totally get it!I left the hot room four times my first class. And each time I convinced myself that Bikram Yoga is literally the hardest thing in the world. And that I would never go back.We all know how that turned out. ;)In the days that followed my first class, I miraculously found myself craving the hot room. The experience was so darn challenging, but something about it was calling me back. Each time those first few classes I felt better and better, but I often wondered, how much should I be practicing? Is too much no good? And then from a vanity standpoint, how often should I practice if I want my body to change?After a dozen years of practicing Bikram Yoga and nearly 10 years teaching it, I'm confidently able to answer those questions!

How Much Should You Practice Bikram Yoga?

I want to answer this question with a question and have you ask yourself: what am I hoping to get out of my practice? Because answering this question with an arbitrary number ... well, you should practice - um, er, - 3 times a week! does nothing to consider your reasons for practicing in the first place.Do you want to lose weight?Do you have an injury you're trying heal?Do you need to de-stress?Do you want to build flexibility?Do you want to relieve chronic pain?If any of those sound like reasons you're coming to yoga, they'll require a sustainable practice, one that you'll want to maintain even after you achieve your goals. It's hard to answer with a definitive number without really considering each individual situation; however, if you can get into the hot room four times a week until you lose the weight/heal the injury/get flexible/aren't in pain, you will see massive changes in a relatively short amount of time.Then, STICK WITH IT at least twice a week. Forever.Because really, we all know how that goes. You lose the weight and then go right for the brownie sundae. Oh no, that's just me? Well... you get my point!Or you come to class for a month and your back feels better so you don't think you need to keep coming to maintain ... and then three months later the back goes out again.You get the idea.Maintenance isn't sexy, but it's vital.

Is Too Much No Good?

In a word, NO! Bikram Yoga, by the way it's designed, creates a healing, therapeutic effect in your body. You don't overuse your joints and muscles because we emphasize proper form, alignment, and technique way over depth. Even if you get really flexible, you're still not going to overdo anything because you'll be using your strength to keep your body from collapsing into postures.Every single one of the 26 postures is a beginners pose. I like to reassure new students that you don't have to be Cirque du Soleil performers to do the postures and to truly benefit! You just have to do the best you can with the body you have.Now, if you're going to practice every day, just make sure of the following:

  • Drink plenty of water & electrolytes
  • Don't overdo it in class
  • Remember that the class is like a marathon and not a sprint - pace yourself

How Often Should I Practice If I Want My Body To Change?

Ahhh I love this question.I love it because when you ask it, I know you're committed. Like you're here to change, to improve, to take control of your life - physically, mentally, emotionally - you're ALL IN.But I also hate to answer it, because I don't want to scare nor discourage you.So deep breath on my part...As a brand new beginner to Bikram Yoga, if you want your body to change and you want it to change NOW, come 6 days a week for the next 30 days, and you will TRANSFORM.Your skin will glow.Your clothes will fit better.You'll stand taller.You may even grown an inch!But the best part is that you will feel UNSTOPPABLE.The Bikram Yoga series works by changing the body at the cellular level. Every joint receives more blood flow. Your body moves in ways that it's designed to move but doesn't always get the chance (think: backward bending). Even the skeletal system changes with the help of the muscular system which is why some of the alignment stuff can be uncomfortable when you first start - you're literally re-shaping the body.When you think about the effect of the class in those terms, it's clear why once or twice a week won't get you where you want to go in the next month.Listen, I know that committing to 90 minutes of hot, sweaty, challenging Bikram Yoga for the next 30 days seems like a lot. You're busy, you have your life, your family, your responsibilities. I also don't want you think that if you can't come that amount that it won't be worth it because it will be.The whole '6 classes a week for the next 30 days' is the answer to the specific question: How often should I practice if I want my body to change?Remember, transformation happens when you persevere through challenges. When you do the unthinkable. And when you persist.You can do it!Have you ever practiced this much in a month?! Let me know!