Easy Homemade Healthy Ice Cream

 In our household, ice cream is a summertime necessity. We always have some sort of frozen treat waiting to be enjoyed after dinner, and I often make special trips to the store just to pick up another pint. This past weekend I somehow found my freezer sans ice cream while both kids napped. I was trapped inside my house with no novelties to consume! What's a mama to do? You wouldn't think it off the bat, but a bunch of almost-too-ripe-bananas was the perfect start to my homemade treat. The bananas caught my eye, and I immediately chopped them up and put them on some wax paper and into the freezer. I had to wait a few hours for the bananas to freeze, but I knew my summertime treat was in the making.Below is the easiest recipe (can you call it a recipe if you don't in fact cook anything?) for homemade "ice cream."Ingredients

  • 3 very ripe bananas
  • splash of milk
  • 1/4 cup chocolate chips
  • 3 tablespoons peanut butter (more or less, depending on your liking)


  • Slice banana into small chunks. Place on a plate on top of wax paper and freeze for at least 3 hours.


  • After the banana slices are totally frozen, place them along with the milk, peanut butter, and chocolate chips into a Ninja (or your favorite blender-type of tool).
  • Blend until smooth, about 20-30 seconds.

banana3Serve plain or garnished with some slice fruit if you like. This makes a surprisingly large amount of ice cream so you can refreeze any leftovers (but I also wouldn't judge you if there weren't any). The peanut butter makes it filling, and the bananas create such a smooth, truly ice cream-like consistency. And one of the best parts? My kids loved this healtheir alternative to the store-bought stuff.I hope that you found this recipe enjoyable and easy. :)banana4