Dear New Bikram Yogi

Dear New Student,You just took your first Bikram Yoga class -- CONGRATULATIONS!!! Seriously, do you know what a big accomplishment that is?! 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises in a 105 degree room with 40% humidity to top it off. WOW!Even though it was hard, you are well on your way to a lifetime practice of yoga, meditation, and physical healing and exercise that will lead to incredible self-realization and transformation. I know, I know. You're probably thinking "a lifetime practice? What?! I don't even know if I can do that again!" But you can. You totally can. And I’m here to ease your mind about a few things ….Did you know that it’s normal to feel overwhelmed? Even emotional? I know that might sound weird to feel emotional in a yoga class, but you just spent 90 minutes focusing on YOU, so if there is any baggage, it’s likely to come up.Do you know that it’s ok to just lie there? You don’t have to do every posture. In fact, you actually get a ton of benefit from doing a little bit.Did you feel like there were lots of things you couldn’t do? That’s normal. The postures take time to improve. It doesn’t mean you’re not getting any benefit. You’re actually getting lots of benefit. Remember, a little bit goes a long way.Was it confusing when the teacher told you to “breathe normal?” What the heck is breathing normal? Just breathe through your nose with your mouth closed any way that you can. Don’t think too much about it; breathing normal is nothing fancy but it fuels you through your practice and helps you feel good.Did you feel uncomfortable? That’s normal too. You just spent 90 minutes asking your muscles to stretch and contract in ways that they likely haven’t done in years or even decades.Did you leave the room? No? Great job! Yes? Still great job! I left the room four times my first class.Did your hands cramp up? No? You must have been really well-hydrated. Yes? Drink more water and have some electrolytes too. Your studio probably sells something there, but have whatever tastes good to you.Is it crazy to think about showing your stomach and wearing shorts? Yoga clothes can actually make you feel better (i.e. cooler - in the temperature sense and sometimes even the attitude sense!), but take your time and wear them when you're ready.Did you sweat so much? Like so, so SO much? Did your knees and your knuckles sweat? Did it feel like you just went swimming? I remember thinking that after my first class. That's amazing! Think of how clean and cleansed you are.Did you know that the person practicing next to you used Bikram Yoga to avoid surgery? Yep, he had the procedure scheduled and everything but the yoga fixed his herniated disc. No joke. No surgery.The woman who was in the front corner, did you know she lost over 40 pounds practicing Bikram Yoga? She did. Now her joints no longer hurt.Did you catch a glimpse of that big guy in the middle? He's a fire fighter and has had both hips replaced. Seriously!How about the woman in the back who looked like she practices every day ... she made the postures seem so effortless ... remember her? She actually doesn't come for the physical stuff. She's battling depression and the mental benefits she gets from Bikram Yoga are helping her so much.Did the studio feel a little bit like "Cheers," you know, where everybody knows everybody's name? They will get to know you soon ... the teachers, the other students, they all had a first class at one point. They know what it's like to be the newbie. They want you to feel welcome.Do you know the postures will be the same when you go back tomorrow? That's right. Same series every time means you get used to it really fast.Sometimes the second class can feel a little harder than the first, so pace yourself.Try to get through two more classes this week. You won't regret it.See if you can take 10 classes this month. I bet you can. You will feel like a new person.And then after that keep coming. Practice patience on the hard days and gratitude on the easy ones.Your teacher is so happy you came to class today. He's grateful he got the opportunity to teach your first class.The studio owner is over-the-moon ecstatic that you gave this life-changing, this life-saving practice a try. Not because of "business" or "revenue." Because let's face it: the Intro package you got probably breaks down to like $3 a class if you come 10 times this month. But because she gets to introduce Bikram Yoga to yet another person. To you. She gets to watch you feel incredible - younger, stronger, happier, calmer - from this yoga. Your studio owner thanks you.And now, thank yourself. Thank yourself for being so brave and having such faith that you could take this class and make it through. You are stronger already, more determined and more focused. Come back tomorrow, and we'll see you in the hot room. ❤