A Running Workout For Mom

We live on the corner of this great little side street that's about 200 yards long.It's quiet and flat and perfect for a little sprinting workout!Squeezing in a quick run gives the perfect energy boost, helping me power through the kids' dinner and bedtime routines.A workout doesn't have to be three hours away at the yoga studio or gym; in fact, on many days that would be completely unrealistic.So look no further than an efficient running workout just outside your doorstep!I'm not a super avid runner these days, but I definitely like to get out when I can because I love what a great cardio workout running is. And especially sprinting! If you're short on time, you can do a few sprints and get more bang for your sweating buck!Last weekend I was headed out to run some sprints on our side street when my three-year-old son asked to run with me. Melt. Of course it wasn't quite the same workout as if I were by myself, but it was still fun, and I actually worked up a pretty good sweat!One of the biggest lessons I've learned in these 3+ years of motherhood is to be flexible (thank you yoga, for that flexibility mindset! ;) )Kids have a unique ability to derail even the best-laid plans. There are, however, added benefits when plans change.I maybe didn't get quite the same running/sprinting workout had I been by myself, but after a few straight-aways, my son reached for me and demanded "shoulder ride! shoulder ride!" That was a workout in itself!I guess the point I'm trying to learn is to not get too discouraged or frustrated when plans change. Instead, try to see the benefits and focus on the positives of the situation.Everyone says that kids grow up so fast, so I'm thinking that one day, all too soon, my kids will not want to be seen near me doing sprints or anything else.So I may as well embrace it when they want to join me now!