3 Easy New Years Resolutions

Every year at New Years I find myself wanting to make some resolutions. More often than not, I come up with pretty grandiose ideas that end up not panning out to much. This year, however, I'm thinking that it's more important to make a slightly more specific, and also more doable resolution. Getting specific causes you to think it through a bit more and ask yourself, can I really commit to that? And if so, what would that look like?I'm all about feeling your best and taking on activities that will help improve the quality of your life, so here are three ideas for New Years resolutions that I think are doable, yet maybe not done too often. 

  1. Schedule Your WorkoutAt the beginning of every week, maybe on Sunday night, sit down and figure out when you can exercise. It's like you're making a date with yourself! Writing it down makes it more likely to happen. You've taken the time, after all, to think through your week and what will work for your schedule. The resolution isn't "work out more," but instead, it's just allowing yourself to plan for exercise success. I have to say, when my husband and I do this, as in actually plan it out on Sunday night, we are so much more likely to stick with it! We check in with each other and we both want to help one another stick to our schedules. You can read more about this here.
  2. Drink A Gallon Of Water A Dayfew posts back, I wrote about how drinking more water is an awesome way to cleanse, without depriving yourself. New Years is the perfect time to get in the habit of drinking more water, and it helps your body and system to just feel better after enjoying all of the holiday goodies and treats. I appreciate a resolution that's specific like this too - a gallon a day - it seems a little challenging, but very specific and measurable.
  3. Write A Letter A MonthThis is more of a lifestyle resolution rather than an exercise or nutrition one, but hand-written notes are such a lost art! Letters are a timeless way to communicate and share special details of our lives. I am a huge fan of hand-written notes in business (more on that here), and of taking time away from electronics to enjoy life offline. I'm definitely excited about this resolution too, thinking of 12 people to write to over the course of 2017 definitely has me looking forward to the new year.

What do you think of resolutions? Any that you've made that have had a big impact on your year? Any good resolution ideas? I'd love to hear your take on New Years resolutions.