15 Amazing Date Ideas That Aren't Dinner & A Movie

Ahhh date night.I wish I appreciated this more before having kids ... how easy it was to just get up and go out without booking a babysitter and budgeting in that childcare cost, along with feeling the need to maximize every minute of the date to make it worthwhile.As busy women, we know how hard making time for ourselves is, let alone time to go on a date and reconnect. And while I'm all for vegging out with a good movie and ejoying a yummy dinner, sometimes we need a bit more connection, activity, and fun when we carve out the time for a date.Now to mention, if you've got yourself on a good health kick and are exercising and sweating everyday, you just might want to keep that going!If you're looking for ways to stay active, stay connected, and keep dating your better half, here's a list of date ideas that aren't dinner and a movie!

1. Bowling

I love the friendly competition that goes with bowling! Whether you're out with a few other couples or just one on one, bowling is always a winner in my date-night book.

2. Run a road race together

While this will definitely take some advanced planning, the bonding and appreciation for one another over the course of training for the race will be second to none. Depending on how any miles you choose, you could be in for a pretty intense experience! Check out Running in the USA (one of my favorite running websites!) for road races of all distances all over the country.

3. Go to a sporting event

Alright, so maybe you won't be too active sitting watching a game or a match, but you're always bound to see something interesting when you go out to a sporting event. The fans, the players, the entertainment ... it's a win-win-win!

4. Hiking

This is one of my all time faves, probably because Ben and I were able to take more day-long hikes before having kids; however, if you can sneak away even to a nearby hike, the fresh air and beautiful views are so good for the soul.

5. Take a yoga class

You don't have to be yoga rock stars, in fact, sometimes taking a class where you're both beginners can be a fun, different experience. You'll likely notice different things from one another, and hearing what challenged your parter is always interesting and eye-opening.

6. Take dance lessons

Anyone else feel like they have two left feet when they try to dance for real?! Just me..?! If this feels too rigid, you could always just...

7. Go out dancing!

Dancing is such a workout!!! Go to a club with awesome music and dance the night away. You might be sore the next day! #worthit

8. Beach day

Again, sneaking away for a beach excursion might require some pretty major planning efforts. But once you're there, you'll thank yourself and each other for making it happen. Fresh air, clean water, a cooler full of your favorite drinks and snacks, a frisbee, and some sunscreen will give you the relaxation and connection you need.

9. Ice skating

Now, this is coming from someone who can barely balance on two skates, but why not give it a try?! It's fun, it's different, and you might just discover you have some major skating skills after all ;)

10. Bike riding

This date idea can be so flexible based on how long you of a time you have to get away. Even a short, 30-minute ride together can be enough to help you recharge and connect. Of course if you're able to get out for longer and pack a picnic lunch, make sure to give youself an exciting destination. TIP: Just make sure the ride back home isn't uphill!

11. Try rollerblading (or rollerskating!)

Is your inner-90's kid just itching to give this idea a try? Why not?!

12. Rent kayaks and go for a ride

Kayaking is a sneaky-tough arm workout, especially depending on the current; I'm always amazed at how sore I am after a few hours of kayaking. Take date-night (or date-day) outside and on the water in order to switch things up and have fun together.

13. Go sledding

Itching to get outside together but maybe the weather is cold and snowy? Embrace it and head for the hills! Doing kid activitities without my kids always gives my an energy boost and makes me appreciate what excites them. Plus, trudging back up the hill is a great way to break a sweat!

14. Hit the links (or at least the driving range)

If you and your hunny are golfers, play a round or hit a few buckets together. Ben and I completely bonded one summer over the fun (and let's be honest ... frustrating) game of golf. Skip the cart and walk and you've got yourself a good old fashioned workout.

15. Take a walking tour of your home city

It feels great to be a tourist in your hometown or city. This is a really cool website of free (gotta love free!) walking tours all around the Unites States and Europe. Seeing things through the eyes of a tourist might make you slow down and appreciate where you live even more.I hope this list will you give you some inspiration to grab date night by the reins and run (no pun intended!) with it! 

Habits, Lifestyle, Sweating, Workouts